Many businesses fail to utilise Google Analytics and do not understand how this useful tool works. Google Analytics can help businesses better understand their customer and the traffic they receive on their website. Below, we share a few tips on how to understand and use Google Analytics to improve your digital marketing...

Source/Medium Report from Google Analytics

This report offers a high-level and actionable overview of the performance of your website. It provides a breakdown of the site’s performance by traffic source. If you want to access it, find the tab labelled “Acquisition” and then click on “All Traffic,” and finally, “Source/Medium.”

Some of the things you will see include:

The traffic source identity and the number of users originating from the source.

The engagement of the users on your website.

The bottom line results of the traffic source which can be measured by goal conversions or/and purchases.

Let's look at an example.

You might discover that your YouTube traffic has a bounce rate of 46%, and the bounce rate of your email traffic is 12%. This insight tells you that people using email engage more with your traffic and they visit multiple pages. This will help you to prioritise email over YouTube and enable you to create a different landing page for your YouTube visitors. Additionally, it will help you to see each traffic source’s sales and revenue.

Landing page reports from Google Analytics

When businesses talk about landing pages through AdWords or in digital marketing, they are talking about a page that generates email subscribers. Ideally, it is the first page that a visitor accesses on your website.

Let us look at an example of web navigation. If a visitor navigates your website like this:

Homepage > category page > product and services page > exit.

Then the landing page is the "Homepage."

Now, the landing page report shows the landing pages that starts all the first sessions of your visitors on your websites. Basically, it will show the pages that people saw first. The landing page report will also allow you to compare the performance of all the landing pages, and indicate the best performing landing page.

To access this report, you will access it through the following channel, “Behaviour tab/Site Content/Landing Pages." This report will help you identify the best landing page for a particular ad.

If you want to work with a successful digital marketing agency Canberra based, contact Canberra Web today. We have a team of digital marketing experts who are ready to help you grow your customers and improve the sales of your products and services. Call us today to find out more.

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